Sara Levi
Cherry Village
Camp Mare /Sea Camp 2019
IT: Ero in forte apprensione per mio figlio di soli 7 anni, ma, dopo le rassicurazioni del team di CLICKWord ho deciso di iscrivere Federico. E' partito che la sua autonomia era davvero sotto zero, mi chiedevo come avrebbe fatto a lavarsi, non solo a comunicare in inglese. E' tornato felice, sicuro e "grande", un vero ometto che ogni tre secondi mi diceva "watch", che canticchiava canzoncine e insegnava ai vicini i nuovi giochi in inglese. La maestra settembre gli ha fatto un sacco di complimenti e lo ha promosso ad assistente maestro. Grazie e tutti voi.
ENG: I was worried about my 7 years old son, but after the reassurance of the CLICKWorld team I decided to enroll Federico.he left for the camp, his autonomy was really bellow zero, I was wondering how he could take a shower and how he could communicate with is poor English. One week later he came back happy, confident, and "big", a real little man who would say "watch" to me every three seconds, humming songs and teaching the neighbours new games in English.In September the teacher gave him a lot of compliments and promoted him to assistant teacher. Thanks to all of you.